iunie 07, 2009

sa retezam, sa parlamentam, de 2 ori sa votam

- Salut, azi e o zi speciala, iti propun sa dam un vot, ba nu: doua voturi! toata lumea voteaza pentru Europarlamentare, se poate vota doar azi 7 iunie!! pentru al doilea vot avem pana in 7 iulie timp sa votam!!! pentru ca ni se cer doua voturi atat de diferite: de aici si titlul ales de mine mai sus SA RETEZAM, SA PARLAMENTAM :-O

- am primit acest mail : "Romania s-a calificat in cursa pentru cele 7 minuni naturale ale lumii. Retezatul va reprezenta Romania.
In prima faza a competitiei au putut fi inscrise pe liste mai multe nominalizari pentru aceasi tara. In decembrie 2008, pe baza voturilor primite, a ramas in cursa cea mai votata locatie din fiecare tara.
Pana in 7 iulie 2009 putem vota Retezatul pentru a se califica intre primele 77 de semifinaliste. Dintre acestea, un comitet condus de Prof. Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, va selecta 21 de finaliste care vor fi anuntate in 21 iulie 2009.
Cele 21 de finaliste vor fi iar supuse votului publicului incepand din 21 iul. 2009, pana in 2011.
Daca vrem ca Romania sa ajunga intre primele 77, haideti sa votam Retezatul pe
Avem nevoie de votul romanilor pentru o cauza buna. Daca ai mai putin de 13 ani, ai nevoie de acordul parintilor..."

Cu stima,
Florina Crisan - Relatii publice APNRetezat
florina@retezat.ro - florinacrisan@yahoo.com - www.retezat.ro

copiez mai jos cele mai frecvente intrebari care au fost puse referitor la procedura de vot a viitoarelor 7 minuni naturale ale lumii :

Frequently Asked Questions
about the New7Wonders of Nature Campaign


Why elect the New7Wonders of Nature?

The campaign to choose The Offcial New7Wonders of the World was a resounding success, in which more than 100 million votes were cast and which took democracy to a new, global level. We know that the New7Wonders of Nature campaign will significantly raise awareness of the incredible variety and beauty of nature around us. As our slogan says, “If we want to save anything, we first need to truly appreciate it!” This is something that is very important - more awareness and more tourism income means that these natural treasures can be better preserved for future generations.

What is the general criteria necessary for the selection of a qualified nominee?

Nominations for the New7Wonders of Nature must be for a clearly defined natural site or natural monument that was NOT created or significantly altered by humans for aesthetic reasons. Physical or natural phenomena like the northern lights, the Gulf stream or shooting stars are not eligible.
The nominees MUST be one of the following:

· natural site

· natural monument

· landscape

When will the New7Wonders of Nature be declared? What are the stages of the election?

There are three stages in the New7Wonders of Nature campaign: the National Qualification, the Nomination stage and the Finalist stage:

1. On 1 January 2009, only one national nominee per country will be allowed to proceed: the highest ranked in the voting on 31 December 2008. Therefore until the end of 2008, countries with more than one nominee will be racing to choose the national representative that is allowed to continue into 2009. Nominees shared by more than one country will remain and continue into 2009.

2. In the Nomination stage, voting for nominees will continue through July 7, 2009. Then the New7Wonders of Nature Panel of Experts, under the leadership of Prof. Federico Mayor, former Director-General of UNESCO, will review the top 77 nominees and choose the 21 finalists, to be announced on 21 July 2009.

3. For the Finalist stage, the 21 New7Wonders of Nature Finalists will be put to popular vote in July 2009. Voting will continue throughout 2010 and into 2011. During this time, the New7Wonders World Tour will visit each of the Finalists to allow them to present themselves to the voters across the globe.

The final declaration of the New7Wonders of Nature will be in 2011.

Can there be more than one Finalist and more than one of the New7Wonders of Nature from the same country?

No, there will only be one Finalist per country, except for Finalists that share countries, for example those that cross national borders.

How many times can I vote?

Via www.new7wonders.com you can only vote once in each stage (nominee/Top 77 stage and Finalist stage), identifying yourself using your email address.
Please note that each person must vote for 7 different natural sites when they vote in each of the two stages.

4 comentarii:

C a r R a spunea...

hello :-D
asa sa faceti si voi :
sa votati cat pentru 2

pentru europarlamentare
pentru 7 minuni naturale


Ela Roseni spunea...

Am votat! :)

Anonim spunea...

si eu am votat.........

Anonim spunea...

si eu : a mai urcat cu un loc - ieri era pe locul 12
